
Sunday, January 11, 2015

A Birthday Tea Party

Well, I finally threw my first tea party.  It happened to be for my daughter Kathleen’s 6th birthday.  It also happened to be a success. The girls loved it…everyone loved it. 

I had invited a few of Kathleen’s closest friends [which included some cousins, too] and with those little girls came their rambunctious brothers – whom also enjoyed being a part of the tea party, I might add!  Sadly, a few of the girls were unable to make it, including one who had pink eye… but there is always next year.

I had to do a little research, but I had been to a tea party – or two – before and knew the basics.  I was a little nervous because every attempt I have made in the past at getting decorations to look like a Better Homes and Gardens cover had been a total fail.  But I must say: it turned out very cute.

I looked at different tea party themes and was torn between lemon and strawberry – so, I combined the two! 

We had lemon scones with lemon curd, strawberry cookies, hamand cheese tea sandwiches and pirate punch [which my husband couldn't get enough of]. 

It was only upon clean-up that I remembered the quiche…


Guess I’ll just have to enjoy those a little later!  ;)

I went to Goodwill to find the – intentionally - mismatched tea set: which the girls were able to keep as a little gift and reminder of this day! 

The food was great – even the pickiest of critics enjoyed it.  The company was a delight.  The weather was perfect [what’s not to like about 78 degrees in sunny San Diego?!]... and I can honestly say that I am looking forward to the next occasion on which I can plan a tea party…isn’t Valentine’s day coming up??