
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Enjoying the Great Outdoors

We are the outdoorsy types:  we love to camp [tent and RV], we love to hike and we love to enjoy all of creation.  This should come as no surprise since we have moved into a 39’ trailer in November.

This summer our family found a new love: our RZR 1000.  Well, let me restate that.  It’s not so much the RZR itself, but the quality time it allows our family to have and the different adventures on which it takes us.


We can just hop in a find trails right from our property.  Several times we have ventured up Otay Mountain which overlooks all of San Diego County.  You can see lakes and even Mexican Islands 20 miles out to sea!

We recently went to a place called Corral Canyon.  We ended up covering over 20 miles winding through oak trees and splashing through mud puddles.  We climbed higher and higher until the air was scented with pine and the trees towered over us.

And the views…

The views were breathtaking.  Pictures could never do them justice.

Once we reached the top of the mountain we had a little picnic.  Although, it was so cold we were thinking of ways that we could have crockpot chili to warm us up instead. 

It’s one of those times when you keep talking about it and are planning the next trip before you even get home.

I am excited for our next adventure…we are in desert season, after all.  Superstition Mountains, here we come!

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Dubiosity by Christy Barritt

I was blessed to receive a copy of Dubiosity to review. I started it on December 26th before bed. I was so tired that I could not keep my eyes beyond the first couple of chapters.

So yesterday, I settled myself in my new chair in front of the wood burning stove, with my blanket and pillows. I did not move for hours as I read this romantic suspense.

Dang, Christy did it again!

She held my attention from cover to cover as the story of Savannah Harris unfolded page after page.

My only complaints:
  1. I get nothing accomplished when reading Christy's books
  2. They end way too soon and I have to wait for the next one
I have enjoyed every book I have ever read from Christy Barritt. Some I liked more than others. Dubiosity definitely goes into my "favorite" category.

Summary of Dubiosity

Savannah Harris vowed to leave behind her old life as an intrepid investigative reporter. But when a friend raises suspicions about two migrant workers who’ve gone missing from the sleepy coastal town Savannah calls home, her curiosity spikes. 

As ever more eerie incidents begin afflicting the area, each works to draw Savannah out of her seclusion and raise the stakes—for both Savannah and the surrounding community. Even as Savannah’s new boarder, Clive Miller, makes her feel things she thought long forgotten, she suspects he’s hiding something too, and he’s not the only one. Doubts collide in Savannah’s mind: Who can she really trust? 

As secrets emerge and danger closes in, Savannah must choose between faith and uncertainty. One wrong decision might spell the end…not just for her, but for everyone around her. 

Will she unravel the mystery in time, or will doubt get the best of her?

Buy the book.

Other Books Reviews:

Friday, December 19, 2014

Reading in the Mornings

I love to read, although I didn’t discover this until I was in college and actually took the time to read a book just because.  I was always reading text books, reports or studies.  For the most part – BORING!

My husband does not share my love of reading – though he does enjoy me reading to him.  So…in the mornings before he goes to work: we cuddle up on the couch with a blanket in front of a fire, he sips his coffee and we embark on a journey together.

I absolutely love this time with him: after all, quality time is one of my love languages. 

We just finished reading a book by Max Lucado called Facing Your Giants.  He asked me to buy it after someone read a chapter from it at a men’s group. 

From the back cover:

You know your Goliath.  You recognize his walk.  The thunder of his voice.

He taunts you with the bills you can’t pay, people you can’t please, habits you can’t break, failures you can’t forget, and a future you can’t face.  But just like David, you can face your giant, even if you aren’t the strongest, the smartest, the best equipped, or the holiest.

David. You could read his story and wonder what God saw in him.  His life has little to offer the unstained, straight-A saint.  He fell as often as he stood, stumbled as often as he conquered.  But for those who know the sound of Goliath, David gives a reminder:
Focus on giants – you stumble.
Focus on God, your giants stumble.

If you’re ready to face your giants, let David’s story inspire you.  The same God who helped him will help you.

This book really got us to think and put some things into perspective. And I am sure it is one that we will pick up again one day. J

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Random Acts of Murder by Christy Barritt

I started reading Random Acts of Murder the day I was supposed to make 12 pies (yes, 12) for Thanksgiving. I hated putting the book down and started my pies one hour and a half behind schedule. I could not wait to get back to that book!

I finished it within 24 hours and loved every minute of it. I was kind of sad when it ended because as of now there is no number 2 book in the series and this means I have to wait (not my favorite thing).

I have not enjoyed a book that much since the Squeaky Clean Mysteries by the same author.

I love Christy Barritt's styles and her plots. She is genuine, funny and one heck of a writer. I have read most of her books. Some I have enjoyed more than others and Random Acts of Murder is certainly at the top of my "Christy Barritt Favorite Book List."

If you like clean suspense/mysteries with a touch or romance, you'll love this book!

Summary of Random Acts of Murder

When Holly Anna Paladin is given a year to live, she embraces her final days doing what she loves most—random acts of kindness. But one of her extreme good deeds goes horribly wrong, implicating Holly in a string of murders. Holly is suddenly in a different kind of fight for her life. 

Only two other people know Holly was at the site of the murder, and one of them is the killer. Making matters stickier is the fact that the detective assigned to the case is her old high school crush and present day nemesis. 

The clocking is ticking as Holly is forced to play a dangerous game. Will Holly find the killer before he ruins what’s left of her life? Or will she spend her final days alone and behind bars? 

Holly was introduced to us in one of the Squeaky Clean Mysteries.

Buy the Book

Hunted by Christy Barritt ~ Book Review 

Monday, December 8, 2014

Our Big Move to a 'Smaller' Life

So today, December 8th, is one month since we made the big move to our smaller life.  And we are so happy!

Our family has moved onto 10 beautiful acres in southern California, where a house once sat on a hilltop. The bottom of the property boasts tall oaks and a creek that winds through them.  You can still see the different tiers where avocado trees once thrived.

In 2007, one of many wildfires in San Diego County burned many homes, including the one built here in the early 20th century.  Sometimes, I feel like I will be pulling up burnt PVC pipes for the rest of my life!

This is a labor of love: a move that we have thought about and wanted for years. 

With so much land how is this a smaller life?

Well, we moved out of our house and we bought a new 39 foot travel trailer that actually has 2 bedrooms and 1 1/2 bathrooms!!!!  Can you believe it!?  I never knew one like this existed.

It is perfect for our family and will serve us well as we clean up the land and prepare to build our next home...debt free, I might add!  :)

We just started to work the soil where there was once a huge garden... thank God for tractors and a husband who loves to 'play' in the dirt!  I can't wait to see what it will let me grow.

I have had my doubts about this move, especially downsizing our family of 4 to a travel trailer.  But days before the 'big move' I saw this on Pinterest and it brought me peace:

Monday, December 1, 2014

December 2014 Young Living Promotion

Every month Young Living has a promotion. We wanted to share December's promotion with you!

Reach 300 PV: $104.60 Value

  • You earn a 5 ml bottle of Vetiver and a 5 ml bottle of limited time seasonal oil blend Treasure of the Season.

This essential oil blend combines two different varieties of Frankincense essential oil with Cinnamon Bark and Idaho Balsam Fir essential oils.

  • 10 percent back in extra Essential Rewards points (up to 50 points)! (You must enrolled with Essential Reward program)

Reach 250 PV: $52.30 Value
  • 5-ml Vetiver essential oil 
  • 10 percent back in extra Essential Rewards points (up to 50 points)! (You must enrolled with Essential Reward program)

    Reach 190 PV: $27.50 Value
    • 5-ml Vetiver essential oil 

    Special Bonus Promotion:

    • 10 Percent Off NingXia Red and Thieves Premium Starter Kits for new enrollees.

    Christmas Spirit Essential Oil

    I love, love, love this essential oil blend from Young Living and I use it all year round not just around the Holidays.

    Christmas Spirit promotes feeling of joy and happiness. It uplifts your mood and well being. It helps during times of stress.

    Christmas Spirit

    Christmas Spirit blend is made of three therapeutic grade essential oils:

    • Orange ~ Citrus aurantium
    • Cinnamon Bark ~ Cinnamomum verum
    • Pine ~ Piicea mariana


    Orange has an ORAC of 18,898 (TE/L).

    "Orange essential oil has a rich, fruity scent that lifts the spirit while providing a calming influence on the body. Orange brings peace and happiness to the mind. It is rich in the powerful antioxidant d-limonene and aids in maintaining normal cellular regeneration." *

    Orange be considered GRAS and ingested. Young Living's is Kosher certified.

    Cinnamon Bark

    Cinnamon Bark has an ORAC of 10,340 μ TE / 100 gm.

    "Cinnamon is thought to promote healthy cardiovascular and immune function, and acts as an antiseptic. You can also use it to enhance your cooking, or dilute and massage into chakras to create a soothing, relaxing sensation." *

    Cinnamon Bark be considered GRAS and ingested. Young Living's is Kosher certified.


    Pine has an ORAC of 890 uTE/100g.

    "First investigated by Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine, pine is soothing for stressed muscles and joints when used in massage. It shares many of the same properties as Eucalyptus globulus, and the action of both oils is enhanced when they are blended." *

    Pine be considered GRAS and ingested. Young Living's is Kosher certified.

    Christmas Spirit Uses

    • Apply several drops (2-4) to wrists, over heart, neck and feet (you may want to dilute 50:50 with a carrier oil)
    • Apply to vitaflex points
    • Wear as a perfume 
    • Inhale
    • Diffuse
    • Some put a few drops in their water or tea

    Alisha's Young Living number 958919
    Florence's Young Living number 910945

    * Sources:

    Monday, November 24, 2014

    Hunted by Christy Barritt

    I finished reading Hunted by Christy Barritt yesterday morning and I loved it! I devoured it in one day (no small feat for a mom of many!)

    Then again, no big surprise. I recently read all eight - yes eight - novels in the Squeaky Clean Mystery Series by the same author. I love Christy's style and I love mysteries. BUT, the mysteries I read have to be clean as in not gratuitous gore, sex and/or foul language AND it must have an exciting plot and Christy delivers on all aspects.

    Hunted is the second book in the Sierra Files (Pounced is the first on the series) which is spin off series from Squeaky Clean Mysteries  in which Sierra Nakamura is a secondary character. In the Sierra Files,  she becomes the main character.

    I was a tad concerned I would not like this series as much as I liked Squeaky Clean Mysteries. I should not have worried. The two series fit together perfectly. It was delightful to read about characters from the "past" and again Christy penned great character and an awesome plot.

    Hunted: Summary

    Who knew a stray dog could lead to so much trouble? 

    Newlywed animal rights activist Sierra Nakamura Davis is coming face to face with her worst nightmare: breaking the news she eloped to her ultra-opinionated tiger mom.  

    Her perfectionist parents have planned a vow renewal ceremony at Sierra’s lush childhood home, but a neighborhood dog ruins the rehearsal dinner when he shows up toting what appears to be a fresh human bone. 

    Between the dog, a nosey neighbor, and an old flame turning up at all the wrong times, Sierra hunts for answers. 

    Surprises abound at every turn as Sierra embarks on a journey of discovery that leads to more than just who did the crime. 

    If you love fun and exciting mysteries, read Hunted, you will not be disappointed.