
Monday, December 8, 2014

Our Big Move to a 'Smaller' Life

So today, December 8th, is one month since we made the big move to our smaller life.  And we are so happy!

Our family has moved onto 10 beautiful acres in southern California, where a house once sat on a hilltop. The bottom of the property boasts tall oaks and a creek that winds through them.  You can still see the different tiers where avocado trees once thrived.

In 2007, one of many wildfires in San Diego County burned many homes, including the one built here in the early 20th century.  Sometimes, I feel like I will be pulling up burnt PVC pipes for the rest of my life!

This is a labor of love: a move that we have thought about and wanted for years. 

With so much land how is this a smaller life?

Well, we moved out of our house and we bought a new 39 foot travel trailer that actually has 2 bedrooms and 1 1/2 bathrooms!!!!  Can you believe it!?  I never knew one like this existed.

It is perfect for our family and will serve us well as we clean up the land and prepare to build our next home...debt free, I might add!  :)

We just started to work the soil where there was once a huge garden... thank God for tractors and a husband who loves to 'play' in the dirt!  I can't wait to see what it will let me grow.

I have had my doubts about this move, especially downsizing our family of 4 to a travel trailer.  But days before the 'big move' I saw this on Pinterest and it brought me peace:

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